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Scientific Name: Citrus limon
Item Description | Characteristics |
Trunk Surface | Rough |
Scion Trunk Surface | Grooved and ridged |
Tree Shape (Recorded in the narural state) | Obloid |
Tree Growth Habit | Semi-erect |
Branching Destiny | |
Branch angle attachment to main trunk. | Wide |
Spine density om adult tree (no on suckers) | Low |
Spine Shape | Straight |
Shoot tip color | Green |
Item Description | Characteristics |
Vegetative Life Cycle | Evergreen |
Leaf Division | Bifoliate |
Intensity of Green color of Leaf blade | |
Length of Petiole relative to length of Leaf Lamina | Brevipetiolate |
Leaf Lamina shape | Ovate |
Leaf Lamina margin | Crenate |
Absense/Presence of Peitole wings | Absent |
Petiole Wing shape | Obovate |
Item Description | Characteristics |
Lengh of Anthers relative to Stigma | 5 |
Flower Type | 1 |
Color of Open Flower | 0 |
Color of Anthers | 2 |
Number of Petals per Flower | 4.00 |
Item Description | Characteristics |
Fruiting Season | Late |
Fruit Weight [g] | 198.70 grams |
Fruit Shape | Ellipsoid |
Shape of Fruit Base (Stalk end) | Convex |
Shape of Fruit Apex (Stylar end) | Rounded |
Fruit Skin (epicarp) Color | Green-yellow |
Fruit Surface Texture | Smooth |
Fruit attachment to Stalk | Medium |
Pulp (flesh) Color | Yellow |
Pulp Firmness | Soft |
Pulp Texture |
Item Description | Characteristics |
Average Number of Seeds per Fruit | 10 - 19 |
Seed Shape | Spheroid |
Seed Color | Cream |
Cotyledon Color | Light yellow-cream |